Showing posts with label film 08. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film 08. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 December 2008


I am a bit of a film lover, probably something to do with trying to escape from reality.

But I have just received the “latest” four films and if I may I would like to share my thoughts with you.

The first is the latest “Indie” film-the crystal skull thingy.

A bit short, “Indie” now well into his sixties, does a reasonable job, the action scenes are very good, but I feel that the film has lost something ref: the previous three.

The comedy aspect is a bit lacking, and “Indies” son is not up to his father’s stature.

He is a bit of a wimp, and if he has been brought in to replace “Indie” then I don’t think I will be buying the next one.

Overall it’s an OK film but a bit tired.

The second is the new “Hulk” film, Short again, Most of the action, which is why you buy the film, takes place at night, making my tired old eyes swivel about like a Chameleon.

There doesn’t seem to be much of a story line and the editing, which seems to consist of “quick cuts” is a bit confusing.

Compared to the first film, sadly lacking.

The third is the new “mummy” film.

It may be me but they seemed to have changed the “wife”, the first two films were good because of the chemistry, this one doesn’t have that.

And once again the “son” is a bit of a wimp, and doesn’t really seem to gel with his “parents”, the plot is a bit weak, and the special effects are OKish but a bit old hat nowadays.

The best acting in the film was from"Uncle John" great one liners and consistancy with the previous movies.

Not enough of the Mummy and too much touchy feely from the parents.

And last but not least-Hancock.

I bought this one expecting a typical Will Smith comedy. And didn’t expect too much.

But I was pleasantly surprised, the film although is far too short. Only 1 hr 22 minutes, but Mr Smith has produced what I consider to be a future classic.

There is an excellent story line, the film seems to have it all-comedy, action, morals, and it made me think, which is not why I buy films.

And that perhaps is why I think it is so good. The “hero” is a man after my own heart, I won’t give the plot away, but the scene in the prison is hilarious.
And later scenes in the same place are thought provoking and heart wrenching.

All in all the best of the four by far, I personally would recommend it.

The other three-they are Ok but sequels are rarely as good as the original.

I would like to reiterate that these are my own opinions, and no Mummies, Hulks, or animals were hurt during filming, that is apart from the two guys in the prison-wonderful!
